Month 3
At 3 months, I am loving the world more than ever! I am fascinated by everything and everyone. I LOVE looking at new and expressive faces like Cindy Cheu’s and Jamila’s. They are so fun to look at and get lots of smiles from me. Here are my top things I love to do this month:
- Daddy Ride. Riding around the estate, park, or neighborhood is the best when daddy holds me and I can face out to look at everything. I get to float around in the comfort of daddy’s arms while he holds me up close to flowers, pictures, and trees to touch!
- Sucking my hand. There is nothing better tasting or more convenient. It’s always there for me. How awesome.
- My toys. Using my fingers and hands to hold all these new toys keeps me really busy. I can grab, grab, grab all day!
- Nursing, of course. I like to go into a deep deep meditative state as I lie with mommy for sometimes an hour or more, usually several times a day. She always covers me with a blanky so I am never cold.
- The bath. I know it seems crazy because for the first month or so I detested this activity, but now it’s really fun. Mommy puts me into the little pink baby tub inside of the big white tub and I get to splash. Yesterday I splashed a little too strongly and got a bunch of water in my eyes, which was no big deal. I love when mommy carries me from the bath into the bedroom and wraps me in the big yellow towel and plays with me.
- The swing. If they put me into the cradle and swing and turn on the cricket sounds I am defenseless against sleep. Otherwise I’m not so big on sleep.
- Hanging out at the YMCA child watch. Mommy takes me there about 5 days a week. She disappears for an hour while I charm the staff into holding me. The older kids love to come look at me. They especially like my converse socks.
- Tummy time. WHAT!? I know, I have always hated it, but now that I can hold my neck and head up high for a long time, it seems to make the parents crazy happy and I like to humor them by doing this.
Of course, life is not all peaches and cream. There are still things I really don’t like. For example, I don’t enjoy getting those tight shirts on or off. I’m 4 months, but wearing all 6 month stuff so we can avoid the tight stuff. I also don’t like getting too hungry. I have to eat every 3 hours, even at night, so that I don’t get too hungry.
Overall, I’ve learned that in life smiling seems to be super duper important. If I smile at someone, they ALWAYS smile back. They cannot resist my charms. Mommy and daddy call me names like “the charmer”, “smiley magoo”, “the stretcher”, “the gripper” and “little love”. Oh, and sometimes they even call me Ariel!
Height: 2 feet long! (25 inches to be exact!)
Weight: 12 lbs 11 oz.